Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is My Week Unpluggable?

I watched Chitty Chitty Bang Bang this morning, which my son could give two shits about. It's amazing that boy only wants to watch Jungle Book. Every child has that movie they get stuck on, but right now, it's mostly my fault since he can't exactly ask for me to put that movie on, I just do it for him because he likes it and he sits on the couch like a slack-jawed angel while I do chores.

 People say "don't let your child watch television until he's two years old" My 1 and a half year old comes out of his bedroom and runs right for the living room, points at the tv and starts jibbering and pointing that he wants to watch tv. It made me stop in my tracks and think aloud "Holy crap, what sort monster have I created?"  I mean I put on Sprout for him and stuff, but mostly Caillou and the Wiggles! Even Elmo is stalking my tv set these days, only because it's Potty Time and I'm trying to get him excited about potty training, if thats even possible.

I read on Dr. Laura's website that Steve Jobs, yeah the Apple guy, didn't let his children even watch tv. Can you believe that? I find that ironic and hypocritical...yet, sorta brilliant. Can I do that? What does a child lose from not watching any tv or movies? More importantly, what can he gain?

How does one start to unplug? Just don't turn it on, right? Does music count? And then there's this question...what will he do all day? I mean, of course with Caillou and Wiggles and Sprout and stuff on tv, I can unload the dishwasher, sweep, dust, brush my teeth. Have we really hired tv to be our babysitters?

My Assignment:
Today's first half was tv all over the place, so the second half gets no tv for Chase or me.  I'll put some music on and give him a puzzle and a book. No laptop, no texting, all visually engaging media gets unplugged during the week.

I know what you're thinking...what about blogging? Maybe it''l be a twice a week or a nighttime think. There's always naptime, but not every naptime equals me-time. Like today's naptime, Max couldn't make up his mind on whether or not he was hungry or tired. So he decided to freak out instead and wake up Chase. ugh, there went that. Now I'm typing with one hand, feeding with the left and my "no visual media"goal is almost history as I put on Elmo for Chase so I can make him a pb&j in peace.

This will be tough. Have you ever tried it? What are your views on visual media?

Till Tomorrow-ish

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